What Are Infused Prerolled Joints and How Are They Made?

The cannabis industry has seen remarkable innovation in recent years, with infused prerolled joints emerging as a popular and potent option for both recreational and medicinal users. These products combine the convenience of pre-rolled joints with the enhanced effects of added concentrates, offering a unique and elevated cannabis experience. This article delves into what infused prerolled joints are, their benefits, and the detailed process of how they are made.

Understanding Infused Prerolled Joints

Infused prerolled joints are essentially standard prerolled joints that have been enhanced with cannabis concentrates. These concentrates can include various forms such as kief, hash, wax, shatter, or distillate, which are known for their high potency and rich cannabinoid profiles. By infusing these joints with concentrates, the product delivers a more intense effect compared to traditional prerolled joints.

Benefits of Infused Prerolled Joints

  1. Enhanced Potency: The primary advantage of infused prerolled joints is their increased potency. The addition of concentrates significantly boosts the THC content, providing a stronger and more prolonged effect.
  2. Flavor Profile: Infused prerolled joints often offer a richer and more complex flavor profile. This is due to the addition of terpenes and other aromatic compounds found in concentrates, enhancing the overall smoking experience.
  3. Efficiency: For users with higher tolerances or those seeking stronger effects for medical purposes, infused prerolled joints can deliver the desired outcome more efficiently, reducing the need to consume larger quantities.
  4. Convenience: Pre-rolled joints are convenient and easy to use, eliminating the need for grinding, rolling, and preparing cannabis. Infused versions maintain this convenience while offering a superior experience.

Types of Concentrates Used

  • Kief: Kief is the collection of trichomes, the crystalline structures on cannabis flowers that contain cannabinoids and terpenes. It is often sprinkled onto or mixed into joints for a potency boost.
  • Hash: Hash is a concentrated form of cannabis made by compressing the trichomes. It can be added to joints in small amounts to enhance effects.
  • Wax/Shatter: These are forms of cannabis concentrate made through solvent-based extraction processes. They have very high THC levels and can be either mixed into the joint or applied on the exterior.
  • Distillate: Distillates are highly purified cannabis extracts with very high THC concentrations. They are typically used for their potent effects and can be infused directly into the joint.

How Infused Prerolled Joints Are Made

Step 1: Selecting Quality Cannabis Flower

The process begins with selecting high-quality cannabis flower. The choice of strain is crucial as it affects the overall experience in terms of flavor, aroma, and effects. Popular strains for infused joints include well-known hybrids, indicas, and sativas known for their distinct profiles.

Step 2: Grinding and Preparing the Flower

The chosen cannabis flower is then ground to a consistent texture. This ensures an even burn and a smooth smoking experience. The ground cannabis is typically sifted to remove any stems or seeds.

Step 3: Infusing the Cannabis

There are multiple methods to infuse the ground cannabis with concentrates:

  • Mixing: One common method is to mix the ground cannabis with the chosen concentrate, such as kief or hash. This ensures that the concentrate is evenly distributed throughout the joint.
  • Layering: Another method involves layering the concentrate within the joint. For example, a layer of cannabis is placed first, followed by a layer of wax or shatter, and then another layer of cannabis. This method creates distinct phases of potency as the joint is smoked.
  • Coating: Some infused joints are made by coating the exterior of the joint with concentrate. Distillate or oil is often used for this purpose, followed by a roll in kief or another powdered concentrate. This not only increases potency but also adds a visually appealing finish.

Step 4: Rolling the Joint

Once the cannabis and concentrate are prepared, the rolling process begins. A rolling paper is filled with the infused mixture, and the joint is carefully rolled to ensure even distribution and a tight pack. Consistency in the rolling process is key to ensuring that the joint burns evenly.

Step 5: Quality Control and Testing

After rolling, each joint undergoes a quality control process to check for consistency, potency, and overall quality. Many producers test their products in labs to measure THC levels and ensure that the joints meet regulatory standards.

Step 6: Packaging

The final step is packaging the infused prerolled joints. Proper packaging is essential to maintain freshness and potency. Joints are often placed in airtight containers or sealed in protective packaging to prevent exposure to air and light.


Infused prerolled joints in Canada represent a significant advancement in cannabis products, combining the ease of use of prerolled joints with the enhanced effects of cannabis concentrates. They offer a potent, flavorful, and convenient option for both recreational and medicinal cannabis users. The meticulous process of creating these joints ensures a high-quality product that delivers a superior cannabis experience. Whether you are seeking a more intense high or therapeutic benefits, infused prerolled joints provide a versatile and enjoyable option.